Primary & Lower Secondary

Primary & Lower Secondary:

Primary school assessment is suggested as a crucial component of teaching and learning since it is seen as creating a long-term picture of a child's learning progress across the curriculum.

The key element we follow at our FEI Schools:

  • Having specific learning objectives which align with the curricula & provides a focus for future goals
  • Selecting appropriate assessment methods - which could be project work, discussions , group activities , portfolio activity & so on
  • Ensuring Assessments are age-appropriate, engaging, and relevant to the students' experiences.
  • Accommodating the different needs of the students.
  • Conducting assessments which include specific skills, knowledge, understanding, or criteria related to creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving
  • We have a time line - which balances the curricular & co curricular activities in school
  • Analyse the data & design an action plan for improvement of the student.
  • Timely constructive feedback for the students, where the student teacher & parents work in tandem for overall improvement